Unless you are experiencing respiratory symptoms of cough, shortness of breath, sneezing, nasal congestion and or fever
If you do not have a mask and need one, please take one at reception when you check in.
Phone or video appointments are available.
Please be Kind & Patient
as we continue in our efforts to keep patients and staff safe.
Patient Rights & Responsibilities
If directed by your care provider to submit confidential information or a photograph related to symptoms please click below to be be redirected to our secure submission form
Please reach out to: 24 hour HuronPerth Helpline & Crisis Response Team Toll free
Since 2006 we have been growing and refining our Family Health Team so that we can care well for our patients. Our interdisciplinary team consists of:
Phones are not answered between
4pm and 5pm.
No After Hours Clinic.
Health Care Connect helps Ontarians who are without a family health care provider find one in their community. If you are looking for a family doctor or nurse practitioner please visit…
Security is simply important. For that reason we have selected for our patient appointment booking system and patient submissions.